Our Commitment to
At NewAmsterdam, we are committed to supporting people at risk for lipid-related
conditions, such as cardiovascular disease. Our research into new therapies has the
potential to provide new options to help patients manage their cholesterol.
Helpful Resources
Finding the right resources can help you stay informed and access support throughout
your journey. Explore resources related to a range of topics from our patient advocacy
partners below.

The Family Heart Foundation is a leader in cardiovascular research, advocacy, and education, with the goal of reducing heart attacks and strokes caused by elevated lipoprotein(a) and familial hypercholesterolemia. Family Heart’s website has tools to help you find a specialist, join a support group, discover testing options, and more.

The Foundation of the National Lipid Association provides education and resources to help patients and their families manage and overcome lipid-related health issues that may put them at risk for a heart attack or stroke.

Clinical Trials &
Expanded Access
If you are interested in a clinical trial, you can
discover which trials are currently enrolling and
read our expanded access policy.